Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How are you situated, reader?

The titular question is deceptively broad. My situation, as a reader, is that I try to read... moderately often. I would say, not quite nightly, but certainly weekly. A book or two a week means anywhere between 40 and 100 pages a night(ish). I enjoy reading. As far as being contextually active with the content, I would say perhaps I find quite a bit going over my head at times; I find I tend to miss a lot of allusions, and I am always pained when having to reread things. It's a problem I'm working on. I don't index things, I don't underline, I don't highlight. I don't check references. I do however try to know about what I'm reading before and after I read. I research and I apply. I may not be incredibly critical of works on my own, but I find that reading opinions and analyses of others helps me form my own ideas and concepts. It makes the reading experience more fruitful for me on the whole. I strongly prefer books over ebooks. But I view books as a way to enhance myself (an idea that goes beyond self-help books) in my vocabulary and world knowledge. The books I try to surround myself with are ones that reflect that idea.

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